Friday 31 July 2009


I've fallen in love with my grandmother's old leather school satchel. Isn't it beautiful? It was just asking to be drawn.

This morning I want to be in...

"The Place you want to be when you wake up in the morning" No.2.
My attempt at communicating facts in 10 seconds.
(I'm a bit of a Flash novice, as you can see)
I love Cornwall. Not been in six years, and I really miss it.

Thursday 30 July 2009

The return of the postcards.

So those song lyric postcards I sent to myself came through the post (the idea being that the songs that seem to follow me everywhere continue to follow me...). Really like the stamps all over them, actually. That's another task on the summer project list to tick off, hurrah.

Another of the college summer project tasks is to pinpoint the place in the world you'd most like to be when you wake up in the morning, then find out as much as you can about this place, and devise a method of communicating this in 10 seconds. And repeat three times...

Not particularly inspired for this one yet. This is my first attempt, for Barcelona:

Oh, and I seem to have passed my 2nd year with a 1st. Good times!

Monday 27 July 2009

She moves in her own way

From one lot of hand-drawn song lyrics to another...
Today is my Mum's birthday. She's a bit dance-obsessed. So I made her this card.

Sunday 26 July 2009

Going in for the kill.

College Summer Project Task: Select a series of objects that follow you from place to place. Post these to yourself.

I kind of...twisted the task slightly. Instead of objects I went for songs that I seem to keep hearing everywhere, and made postcards of the lyrics to post to myself. Whether it's the right kind of interpretation or not, I'm not sure, but it was pretty fun all the same :)

Monday 13 July 2009

The 5ft 6 ampersand

I spent my Sunday afternoon on my bedroom floor, making a 5ft 6 ampersand out of paper. As you do...
One of my college summer project tasks is to pick your favourite character from your favourite typeface and re-scale it to your own height. I'm a bit of a sucker for a Rockwell ampersand (bold, italic). I'd quite like to take some photos of it outside somewhere. Need an extra pair of hands, though. The above shot involved a tripod, self timer, and 10 seconds to leap on to my brother's bed and hold up the ampersand. Not ideal.

Saturday 11 July 2009

Back to reality

The past couple of weeks have been spent at Social, getting a lovely bit of work experience. Good times. It's back to reality now, though. Summer can begin properly as can be with all the dissertation research and long list of things to be getting on with. But that's fine - I don't like to be idle!

Couple of things here that came out of the projects I've been working on at Social: