Saturday 2 January 2010

2010. Don't panic.

Happy new year! I've made a resolution for 2010: Don't panic.
2010 is a bit of a scary year - I graduate and have to find a job, and before that I have to complete my dissertation, come up with an idea for my final major project, and get through the degree shows... All a bit daunting. So as long as I don't panic, it should all be ok...hopefully.
As for last year's resolution of going 'mental', I don't think it quite happened. I dyed my hair red, and that's about as mental as I went. Oh well.

Christmas and New Year's was nice. Pretty quiet, just spending time with the family, watching films and devouring too much food. Got some fantastic books, too.

Back to college on Monday. The project's going ok. Just need to get the screens made up ready to print my poster...and as long as that goes to plan, there shouldn't be any need to panic. Fingers crossed...

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